You will simply open the link that will appear in your control panel and you will have access to adjust a huge variety of DirectX settings. This will allow you to tweak a number of different settings and configurations on the go or from afar, without having to go to a tremendous amount of trouble. If you are using DirectX, you need Microsoft DirectX Control Panel for Windows to get the most out of your applications. Takes up a mere 100KB or less on your computer.Allows you to adjust settings from a different location.Allows you to adjust a tremendous amount of settings from your control panel.Can be used to adjust both video and audio settings.You'll be able to see and adjust the settings not just for DirectX, but also for DirectDraw, DirectSound, DirectShow, DirectMusic, DirectInput, and Direct3D.
Once the program has been installed, you will notice that when you open your control panel there is a direct link that allows you to adjust your DirectX settings. This greatly enhances the accessibility of DirectX properties, so you can adjust the video card settings with greater flexibility and mobility. Microsoft DirectX Control Panel is a program that allows you to access the settings of DirectX directly from your control panel.